Environmental Wellness includes living in harmony with the earth by understanding the impact of your interaction with nature and your personal environment, and taking action to protect the world around you.
Optimal Environmental Wellness includes regular opportunities to relax, reflect, and restore all of our senses and to take actions to protect our natural environment.
Tips to Improve your Environmental Wellness
- Avoid leaving the water running. A running faucet uses three to five gallons of water per minute. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth, take shorter showers, and wash dishes first, then rinse them all at once.
- Use reusable grocery bags. Leave them in your car so you don't forget them!
- Stop junk mail. Contact companies that send you useless letters or catalogs. If 1 million people stopped their junk mail, up to 1.5 million trees would be saved.
- Take advantage of recycling opportunities on and off-campus. Single stream recycling is available on campus. Community organizations can recycle unwanted electronics, clothing, and other items.
- Walk or ride a bike to work, class, and other places you go.
- Sustainability - This website, hosted by the Green Team, is a guide to environmental issues, activities, and information at Illinois State University.
- ISU Environmental Health and Safety
- Reggie Rides free bike rentals from Campus Recreation
- Connect Transit
- Ecology Action Center