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Request a Workshop

Workshops are led by student groups, professional staff, or co-facilitated with other departments.

Choose a workshop from the list below and provide your preferred date, time, and location. Submit an online request form at least two weeks in advance, or contact Health Promotion and Wellness at or (309) 438-WELL (9355) to schedule or request accommodations.

Workshop Menu

Narcan Training: Preventing Accidental Drug Poisoning

Join Health Promotion and Wellness staff for a 45–50 minute session for students, staff, and faculty covers opioids, fentanyl, and the rise of fake pills, how to recognize and respond to drug poisoning, strategies for prevention, and local support efforts. Participants can request Narcan and Fentanyl Test Strips upon completion.

The Well Workspace: Ergonomics 101

Join Health Promotion and Wellness staff for a 60-minute session on creating a comfortable and supportive workspace. Learn how to arrange your environment to reduce discomfort, improve posture, and promote well-being. This interactive workshop is ideal for groups seeking to enhance health and productivity through ergonomic principles.

Nutrition Focused Sessions

Led by Health Promotion and Wellness staff, these sessions cover topics such as healthy eating, mindful eating, and the connection between food and mood. Participants can also request customized topics to support their nutritional goals and overall well-being.

Stress and Mindfulness

Facilitated by Health Promotion and Wellness staff, this workshop explores how mindfulness and meditation can reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance performance. Learn effective coping strategies, self-care techniques, and practice mindfulness exercises to promote well-being. Discuss campus resources and the science behind mindful living for lasting benefits.

Recovery is Spoken Here: Recovery Ally Training

Led by Health Promotion and Wellness staff, this two-hour training provides tools to support students with substance use disorders or in recovery. Learn how to create a recovery-friendly campus by recognizing the impact of language, using recovery-friendly practices, and making effective referrals. Join the effort to reduce stigma and promote recovery at Illinois State University.

Group Exploration of Alcohol and/or Cannabis

Facilitated by Health Promotion and Wellness staff, this 60-75 minute confidential discussion allows your group to explore views on alcohol and/or cannabis based on an anonymous pre-survey. Participants will discuss how substance use aligns with group values, goals, and well-being, while reflecting on campus trends and sharing ideas for growth. This conversation-based session encourages collaboration and meaningful dialogue.

Under the Covers

Join the Student Wellness Ambassador Team (SWAT) for an interactive workshop on healthy and unhealthy relationships, consent, and open communication in sexual activity. Gain practical tips on reducing the risk of STIs, explore campus sexual health statistics, and practice skills during condom demonstrations while connecting with helpful campus and community resources.

On the Rocks

Join the Student Wellness Ambassador Team (SWAT) for a workshop exploring the relationship between alcohol use and consent, and how intoxication affects the ability to give consent. Learn about alcohol’s physical and mental effects, debunk myths, and discover strategies to reduce alcohol-related risks while practicing intervention skills and connecting with campus resources.

Dismantling Rape Culture

Join Students Ending Rape Culture (SERC) for a workshop focused on understanding consent, recognizing sexual violence, and identifying power and control tactics in abusive relationships. Learn to spot signs of stalking, challenge rape culture and victim-blaming, and discover strategies to support and empower survivors. Connect with campus and community resources while gaining tools to foster a safer, more equitable environment.